Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The denial of death

I've always thought it was interesting how people often deny the reality of death. What I mean is it seems like one of the most certain things that will happen to all of us is the least discussed or even acknowleged as a coming reality. How often do people talk about death? What happens when we die? Even on a surface level not too many people seem to be imagining or talking about what they think will happen when they die. This is seen in the general reaction to death as well.When people die we feel like it shouldn't have happened. Funerals feel awkward and we can't wait to be done with them so we can return back to "normal" life. We feel cheated and robbed as if we weren't expecting those we loved to die. There is an almost default imortality assumed.

For a long time I just assumed people denied death because they were afraid of the unknown. But there is a theological reason why this seems to be the natural response. Think about this! When God created man and woman he didn't create us to die. From Genesis to Revelation death is "not a natural but a penal event," (The Cross of Christ, John Stott pg.65). It was penal meaning it is a penalty or punishment for sin. Death came after Adam sinned. Everything about mankind God created and built into us except for death (and the resulting bondage to sin we all experience). Therefore dying is not natural!

Every human being is made in the image of God. Even though there is sin and separation from God every human still has the image of God imprinted upon them however marred, clouded, or faded that image may be. Because of this, death does not feel natural to us because it was never naturally built into us when God first made man. God made man naturally to never die. This is why the reality of death is often denied.

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