For the past year and 3 months I have had the priviledge of working at a church plant in the suburbs of Laurel, Md called Infinity Church (www.infinitylaurel.com). Infinity is a predominantly African American congregation that was planted by Aaron Pankey over 9 years ago with a vision to plant more churches and become multi-cultural.
This Sunday was my last official Sunday on staff there and I thought it would be appropriate for me to reflect on the great brothers and sisters in Christ that I have had the priviledge of serving with.
First I am thankful to Pastor Aaron Pankey for calling me up in Portland, Or after he found out we had a heart to move back to Baltimore. He offered me a job at Infinity to help him establish some ministries most of which we able to do and I might not be back if employment at Infinity had not made that possible. Thanks man!
Sean and Shanika Robinson were among the first couple to extend hospitality to us as they drove all the way from Randalstown to North East B-more with their children to bring us a meal that first week we had moved back. I think our love for Baltimore, Theology, and our families connected us. Sean is a good brother and I am grateful for all the theological, urban, and real life conversations we have had. I look forward to seeing how the Lord uses him in his home and community.
Jeremy Dickson is a great brother with a true heart for the Lord. I am so grateful he invited me to speak into his life on several occasions and I can honestly say he has become a true brother to me. I know he is honest with me and I can be honest with him. I am also thankful for his wife Christina and her friendship to my wife.
Rob Reynolds, Turrae Jones, Eric Collier, and more recently Craig Walker and Chester Dade were all brothers who served along with me in various ways. I have been impressed with their character, teachability, and willingness to serve Jesus. I am a better man because of them and know I have made some life long friends with these guys!
Sidney Cutchins is a fellow Baltimore brother (at least until he moves to PG with the rest of Infinity :). When I first met him I was pretty intimidated as he is a Baltimore City Police Officer in the Western District (yeah that is where they filmed the Wire) who doubles as an immovable wall whenever you need one. But he opened up to me and let me in his life and for that I am grateful. He is an incredible bro with a great heart for Jesus and people. I know he is a brother for life and I can't wait to see him and Eb tie the knot!
Maina Mwaura is another incredilbe brother whom I've had the privilege of working with and becoming friends with at Infinity. Maina and I are pretty different and probably wouldn't be friends naturally except that we were forced to get to know each other working on various things throughout the year. Though we butted heads a few times he has become a close friend and a peer I go to for advice and wisdom now. He has been a huge blessing for me especially over the last few months.
Along with these men, there are some other incredible men of integrity at Infinity. These are guys who I could count on if I needed them and guys whose character stood out to me. If I died I could honestly say to my son's, "Hey, follow that guy and be like them." Dj Jordan, Mr.Pankey, James Willis, and Shannon Pankey all are great brothers and Infinity is a better church because of them.
Raphael Taylor, Mike and John McAdams, Arkim, Devon, Mark Blair and I am sure there are many more of you I could write about. Thanks for all the memories at our Home Community, HC leaders meetings, Servant team meetings, and Monday night leadership meetings. We love you all and though it didn't work out for us to serve with you for a longer season of time we are personally thankful for all your friendship and partnership in the gospel.
Hey dude, thanks for the update. It sounds like a really encouraging epistle! :)
Where will your family go from here?
All our love in this new year. Wish we could drink some coffee together.
We will miss you.
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