Friday, October 12, 2007

Ministry Leadership in Crisis

I am almost 30 years old. I have been in vocational ministry for 5 years and I have been a Christian for 12 years. In my short time as a believer and pastor I have seen many men in pastoral leaderhip fall into devastating sin. I have seen my mentor/proffessor in from the Bible College I graduated from as well as my first pastor (who also married me and my wife) both fall into sexual sin in their early 40's. One of whom lost his family because of it. I have personally known and even had the opportunity to confront a pastor (whose church was close to 1,000 regular attenders) who was dangerously close to adultery only to find out one month later he was caught in the act and he too was disqualified for ministry. Another pastor I knew indirectly had to resign for crack addiction and pain pill addiction. Recently, a church who I have worked with and whose leadership I respected all resigned from their Pastoral/Elder positions due to an inablility to lead the congregation. About a month ago I heard from a confidential resource that 2 well known pastors in the area have both been exposed for sexual immorality. And tonight I found out that a trusted friend of mine who had established a dynmic urban youth ministry was exposed for sexually abusing middle and high school boys in his care, was subsequently locked up, and lost his wife and children.

This latest news which I just recieved tonight has made me sick to my stomach. Not just for the repercussions on his own family and ministry which are devastating but this was someone I would have trusted alone with my children and someone who I had approached in the past about partnering with me in church planting. My question to all believers and leaders in ministry is, "WHEN WILL WE MAKE HEALTHY MINISTRY A PRIORITY?" If you are in ministry would you just admit that you are not superman and you are a normal human being who has limitations. Lead by example and lead in health. I have learned that health brings health. If a ministry is sick it is because it's leaders are sick.


Ezekiel James said...

it's amazing to me how people think that if they are just surrounded by "christians" then they are safe from sin...that somehow consecration comes from other people...

my bad, I always thought that consecration came from Christ not the title of "pastor" or "minister." Ted Haggard comes to mind...but then again so does David.

it never ends.

Michael Shive said...

Well said. Health is organic, relational, and personal; never removed from the human touch and always aware of the human condition.

The stories you shared of men who have fallen reminds me of this Johnny Cash song:

Dcguy78 said...

Very True Rob!
There is this strange idea that church leadership has to be this inpenetrable force and the reality is that they need us as the congregation to support, encourage and keep accountable just like we keep eachother accountable.

these ministers are in my prayers.

motomataru said...

Shoulda sent you this:


Scot Munger on Open Line

Pathological church traditions that debilitate believers and destroy pastors? The deadly red herring that is political Christianity? Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen! This guy read my mind. Hear particularly second half...

Unknown said...

We just had dinner with a missionary from Russia the other day, and he reminded us of this very thing: PRAY FOR YOUR PASTORS. As he put it, they are our leaders, and just as generals are sought out to be ruined in battle, so are our pastors in this spiritual battle that we're in. We need to be surrounding them with a hedge of prayer.

DJ CRAIG said...

back in 99 when i first read the entire bible for the first time, i often wondered why the way that the bible described "the gathering of the saints" and the experiences the saints had when they gathered were different from the way we have church today. It is still to this day a problem for me to go into a so called church and not wonder why the experience is not reflective of scripture. i truly believe that back in the day, the holy spirit showed up at some churches like a mighty rushing wind and signs and wonders were plentiful. But i also believe that as the years go by new churches get started and copy the ways and rituals of those churches and fortify traditional doctrines that are so prominant in todays churches all over our nation. i believe that our modern day churches have been quenched of their spiritual power because of these olden day traditions. and because of the lack of spiritual power, bishops, pastors, elders, ministry leaders, etc... seek other reasons to operate and exist.
and when there is no spirit there is no growth, and when theres no growth in the spirit then the congregation becomes complacent in spirit and take what measure of spirit they have and become deeply involved in politics or take humanitarian efforts and try to fill the spiritual void with good deeds. at which point i believe our leaders begin to fall because we as a church or gathering of saints refuse to "sing unto the Lord a new song." yes we must pray for our leaders but we must be informed and effective intercessors and not be praying out of our traditional upbringing or we as a church will continue trying to get people to join and follow instead of planting and watering new seeds of spiritual growth so that God can bestow blessings upon our churches like a mighty rushing wind, fresh, new, modern, and relevant to our day and time, then the enemy will not be able to pick off our leaders so easily. the way our churches are today it is to humiliating, embarrising and shameful for our leaders to admit when they have a prayer need or if they are struggling with sin.
this is just a theory that i have please do not be offended or take it as absolute truth,
excuse and spelling errors please

RalphD said...

I have seen this problem too often. I think a common thread is
a number of these men were sexually promiscuous in their youth.
Even when they become saved, educated in the Word, marry, and have children, the lure of the old life is still there. Pastor's tend to be attractive outgoing leadership types,
often with overactive libidos. Ideally marriage should take care
of that but unfortunately the old sin nature is strong.
The memory of a variety of partners is still there. Some will
give up marriage, family, and service to the Lord to gratify the flesh
with a variety of new partners. The 40's is a dangerous age for pastors to fall into sexual
sin especially with willing partners readily available. That is why the Bible stresses to flee sexual sin especially before marriage.